Build your website for free!
I don’t really like paying for things. Actually, that’s not quite true, I’ll pay for things if I need to but I’d rather get it for free (or at least at a discount price).
Some of the best free stuff comes off the internet so rather than pay for some expensive software, why not do it the EWD way: for nothing. Here’s my handy-dandy guide to all the free stuff you can use to build and maintain your website.
Caveat: just because I liked the products listed below doesn’t mean to say you will feel the same way. Try them out yourself and keep the ones you like.
HTML Editors
Lots and lots to choose from, I personally like the first in the list but that’s just my preference:
Matrix Y2K
And a lot more listed at
I still find it far simpler to just write the code in a text editor but for those who need the WYSIWYG approach:
Stylizer – A simple CSS editor.
Causeway CSS Editor – Excellent WYSIWYG CSS tool.
And if these aren’t good enough, try this list: free-css-editors
HTML Validation
Once your site is up and running it’s worth making sure it validates. This helps your browser, helps your visitors and helps the search engines:
HTML Tidy – Download and use at home.
W3C Validator – Online validator.
Firefox Extension – Checks and cleans up your HTML.
Uploading is easy peasy with these free tools:
Free Hosting
Almost sounds too good to be true but I can’t see a catch
Image Manipulation
Resize and optimise your images for the web:
Pixresizer – Create multiple thimbnail in and instant.
Irfanview – Converts, chops, resized, optimoises, brilliant!
Autostitch – Stiches 2D images together.
Favicon – Online favicon generator.
Content Managment Systems
wordpress – What you are reading now.
drupal – A very configurable CMS
zencart – My preferred e-commence package.
oscommence – Another popular e-commence app.
Writing tools
If you need an application to write your copy with then don’t pay Microsoft, get the far superior (and free):
This list was inspired but these excellent Cre8asite Forum threads:
The Best Completely Free Tools We Use
Easier Program Than Notepad
Do the phpbb forum scripts have spam protection, I have installed another script and am forever fighting spam, takes up valuable time deleting the auto posts.
I am looking at phbb as an option for my small business SEO services, am also looking at SMF forums as a script, thanks
Hi Ron,
Link exchanges are bad juju. Google has made it clear in their guidelines that this can seriously ham your ranking so I wouldn’t reccomend it.
As to forums – is free and really easy to set up. Just need to ask your host to install mysql and you can be up and running in a few minutes.
Im marketing a few sites at the min, do you have any links to php link exchange scripts? In addition what forum script would you recommend? Help appreciated.
I like the information, I will be checking out some of the sites.Great site, will be putting it in my bookmarks.